Thursday, 26 September 2013

Same all over

    William Morris, reflecting on a visit to Iceland 1871/72  - "Watching the fowls [sic] scratching about, felt a queer feeling something akin to disappointment of how like the world was all over after all."

     Nearing the conclusion of this time on residency, reflecting on the change you go from being a foreigner, an outsider - you are unsure of the surroundings, bereft of local knowledge - to then being part of a community, having routines, places you tend to go, things you tend to see. This integration of course takes a lot longer than merely a month but small things can fall in to place in this time - the feeling of having your space (physical/mental), your way of existing in this new environment  - things which were new, unfamiliar and novelty became routine, usual and sometimes banal. Being comfortable in your surroundings can sometimes take a while and each person is different. But it is true that you do begin to notice that people and things are not so different after all.

    Not to take away from the many unique things you can encounter in Iceland, but that almost in a comforting way things are like or similar all over. We can adapt quite easily and quickly to an established routine almost without knowing it.

    I'll be glad to return to my "old" routine - but with a fresh viewpoint. I enjoy the perspective changing and novelty of return that travel and extended stays bring.

One of the unique things - crater things

Quote from Roni Horn - Library of Water, Adrian Searle p.36

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